Yeah, I have a crush. I think he's cute, I wonder if he likes me, I want to impress him every time I am around him. He acts like he likes me, and I hope he does. Haha. Around this tween age (10-12), your interest in boys may expand. Don't worry, this is normal. When I see a boy, I'll be thinking, "Okay, act cool!" Just to impress him, even though I don't even know his name. When I see my real crush, can you imagine what I think? As soon as his eyes meet mine, I look away instead of staring. Dealing with crushes isn't always easy. Remember, take things easy. You're a tween, not a teen. You can be friends with him, and it's okay to dream about marrying him. But it's too early to get in a relationship! Wait until you're at least 13. Then start getting more serious and/or comfortable.
Yeah i have a crush too, Me and Ali used to have the SAME crush until we moved on. I think mine is SO cute and i know he likes me, Being a girl who knows sort of how a relationship feels like you will be like "Okay calm down act natural " and walk up and talk to him, Although i know his family well, i feel more connected to him. Like Ali said its okay to dream about marrying him! Although i say wait until 12 and a half just for safety measures! Take our advice DON'T go in to early! Some girls like to look away when your eyes meet, I like to smile at him BUT DO NOT WINK that well give away any eyes that you like him, and don't try to impress him to much, And talk to him more than you talk to other guys.