Hey, thanks for visiting my blog. This is where I post what I am doing at the moment, list a joke or a funny story that happened to Cassidy and I, and most importantly, post my tween drama. You know, the cyber bullying, the makeup, the crush, the friendship drama--all that. I hope you find my stories and advice helpful or interesting! Keep checking back, because I will be updating the blog very often!
Saturday, August 18th, 2012
9:44 AM
Cassidy is in Florida right now. I don't know if she will have access to the internet or not, but just in case she does not work on the website at all that is why. So I guess it's up to me!? Guys, if you think I am taking over this webpage and not letting Cassidy do any of it, I'm not. I am just excited about Tween Girls!
Friday, August 17th, 2012
2:20 PM
I am being raised as an only child. I have a brother, but he's like, 28 and moved out. Being an only child has its perks, but it also has its disadvantages. A disadvantage? I'm lonely sometimes. I have four pets to keep me company, but two of them are so...boring. All they do is walk around, sleep (be lazy) eat, drink water, and go to the bathroom--did I mention cause trouble? They are literally the most boring cats ever. I have another cat, and she is my favorite pet. And then there's my dog, who is very obnoxiously annoying. My point is, to those of you who have brothers and sisters who live with you (like Cassidy, and most of my other friends), enjoy their presence. Cherish each annoying argument, seize each day that goes by with them in your life. I envy those who have little siblings, lol. They might be annoying to you, but try to enjoy their company. Enjoy each passing moment you have with them.
Thursday, August 16th, 2012
8:34 AM
Okay, so my birthday is in like, a couple days more than a week. And as excited as I am, I'm also nervous about turning eleven! I know things will be OK, but I can't help but worry about what it's going to feel like when I turn eleven. I suppose I am getting more nervous as I am entering my teen years, even though I still have one more year left of being a total tween. There are things I am looking forward to in being a teen, such as going to bed later (silly, right?), but I am nervous for the harder responsibilities that come with being a teenager. I'm nervous for school to start back, even though I am home schooled. Cassidy and I both go to a school co-op for home schooled kids on Fridays during the school year. It's a lot of fun, and it's designed like a public school...sort of. I always get nervous on the first day--who doesn't? But my life is pretty easy, so for now I should just relax. Check back later for more on my blog!