What did she say?
If you are a tween, you are either 10, 11 or 12. About now, a lot of life's chaos comes straight from your computer, your phone, iPod touch, or other social devices. Friends can tell you their feelings, and since it's just a bunch of letters, you have no clue what facial expressions your friends are using, or what they mean by their words. If your friend starts acting dramatic over a text or email, calmly type "Let's talk about this in person." Simple. If the chaos continues, you have the choice to exit the conversation. Just don't reply. And if your friend gets mad at you later, tell them that this is something unsuitable for the internet.
Well, that was rude!
Another dramatic even over the internet is cyber bullying. It's not that different than real life bullying. Did you know you can stand up for yourself even over the internet? If someone says something rude, stand up for yourself the same way you would in person. If the drama takes you to the serious places, even saying "Keep your mouth shut and leave me alone" is OK. But don't straight out say that at first. Follow your gut, and be nice at the same time.
Why did I do that?!
When on the internet, once you say or post something, you can't take it back. Let's say you gave away your best friend's NUMBER ONE TOP SECRET EVER, and it was open for anyone on the internet to read. What do you do now? You're probably getting that guilty feeling in your gut, and you're getting all sweaty and in a panic. And then your friend finds out. Be careful what you post! If you accidentally post something you didn't mean, tell your friend you are sorry. Not over a text or email, but in person. ASAP! Go, go!