When moving into middle school, sometimes friends may ditch you for "cooler people." This doesn't happen to everyone, but it may happen to some people. Choose which one has happened to you, and read.
Backstabbing Besties :( SAFE!
Okay, so your so called "BFF" ditched you. So your best friend is still your best friends. That
What do you do? Did you know, that just be- is good! Now be super careful to not change that!
cause she doesn't like you, doesn't mean that Treat your friend well, and make sure she knows
you can't like her. You can still invite her how much you care about your friendship. what-
over for play-dates, parties, lunch, whatever! ever you do, just be sure to keep things SAFE!
If you show her that you still like her, she may
start liking you again.